During his clinical practice, ‘Fatima Ejaz’ a case of Down’s syndrome, was brought to him for consultancy. He felt moved to see her parents in distress and uncertain about the future of their child. To provide relief and comfort to Fatima and her parents he ventured to take up this challenge. To help Fatima and many other children like her to overcome their problems and become a contributing part of the society. He along with his wife Mrs. Perveen started a daycare center from his dining room. Because of his four years experience as a Founder Director of a Rehabilitation Center for Intellectually Affected Children in Libya, he had enough expertise, aptitude, and knowledge to take care of special children. He believed that if managed appropriately these children can learn to cope with their problems and a large number of them can become independent. Although it’s challenging to work with the children with special needs as improvement is slow and the goals are achieved proportionate to their disability, it is rewarding see them fighting against all odds with courage. The philosophy at Rising Sun Institute is that each child is unique, New things are learned from them every day which help to teach them in a better way. Dr. Abdul Tawwab Khan was awarded “President’s Gold Medal for Excellence in Service to Children” in 2006 and “Volunteer’s Award” jointly by Ministry of Social Welfare & Youth Affairs, Government of Pakistan in 2008.