Gosha E Aafiyat (Sheltered Home & Sheltered Workshop)

Gosha – e – Aafiyat
(Sheltered Home & Sheltered Workshop)
Gosha – e – Aafiyat (sheltered home and sheltered workshop) has two distinct features; one is sheltered living facility and other is provision of sheltered employment.
Sheltered Home
A big challenge that has started to surface is providing care and living facility for adults with Special Needs when their parents are no more in this world. Rising Sun has designed its project “Gosha – e – Aafiyat” to bridge this gap. It is a purpose-built sheltered home which will provide 24 hours supervised and supported living in a homely environment to those adults with Special needs who lose their family support. Adults with Special Needs especially require constant supervision and support in their daily life and maintaining a safe and healthy life style becomes very difficult for them without supervision. Considering these challenges Gosha – e – Aafiyat (sheltered home) has been designed and developed to provide them with a secure and supervised living facility.
This living facility will also offer Respite Care Facility to parents looking for temporary (up to a few weeks) supported living for their child with special needs.
Sheltered Workshop
It requires a consistent, extensive and structured vocational training program to empower an adults with Special Needs and help them learn a specific skill. Even after years of hard work, they struggle in creating new designs, solving technical problems and require constant adult supervision to complete their given tasks satisfactorily. Thus, it is not usually easy to gain and sustain an employment in regular work environment. Sheltered employment offers such comfortable work conditions where they can earn respectfully under supervised and safe work environment.
Rising Sun has tried to develop a model of sheltered employment through “Gosha-e-Afiyat – sheltered workshop”. Here a safe work environment is provided to semi-skilled and skilled adults with special needs.